Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tell the Truth Tuesday!

Here are my sad-but-true truths this week ;):

1) I started wearing flip flops to work. It's against the company dress code, but I don't really interact with a lot of people on a given day so I decided to see if I could get away with it. So far, no one has noticed. I feel like a rebel. I assume that one day my "flippity floppity" noises on the way to my aisle will give me away.

2) Sometimes I seriously consider raising chickens in my backyard. I would give them names like Baron Von Cluckenstein and eat lots of awesome, fresh eggs. So far the thought of constructing my own chicken house and cleaning chicken poo has stopped me. I already have a litterbox to scoop, after all.

3) I used a torch to burn the weeds in the cracks of my patio. Because weeding is just too hard. Also? Fire = pretty!

I probably couldn't do this any more if I had chickens back there...

4) My pens, pencils, and silverware all have to be parrel to one another and facing away from me. I frequently reach across the table to straighten my husband's fork if it's too askew. Does this make me crazy?

5) I've been falling asleep reading books on my iphone and then waking up spooning my iphone under my covers. Enough said.

What about you, my lovely blog friends? :D What are your truths this week?


Steena Holmes said...

I started to wear flip flops too! Like you - it's against company dress code, but oh well :) We're all allowed a little bit of rebellion, aren't we?

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Toward the end of my pregnancy, my feet swelled so much I could only wear my houseshoes. They were European houseshoes, similar to clogs, so I don't think people noticed. I even had to wear them in the lab at work. I wouldn't wear flip-flops in the lab, though. Rebellion is one thing; a safety hazard is another!

Scott said...

Don't hate me because we can wear flip-flops to work. We're casual 98% of the time - jeans in the winter, shorts in the summer. Woo-hoo!

I separate my cooking utensils - spatulas, spoons, etc. - by color. I have a separate drawer for each color. Yes, very strange.

Amanda Gaume said...

Sometimes if I'm in a really boring meeting or seminar at work, I'll write scenes for my WIP for work on plotting my next one. Everyone else thinks I'm just a fantastic note-taker (is this why I always get stuck doing meeting minutes?).

Nishant said...

it's against company dress code,
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