I'm almost done with the next Fairytale Assassin adventures, but I need YOUR HELP!
Help me come up with a snappy, punny name for a Rumplestiltskin story!
The person who comes up with the best story name and leaves it in the comments here by 8/31/11 wins:
- A free copy of the new short story
- A dedication in the e-book from me
- A $15 Amazon giftcard!
For inspiration, my current Veronica Grim: Fairytale Assassin story names ARE:
Blood Don't Lie (Bluebeard)
Carnivore (Little Red Riding Hood)
Heartless (Snow White)
Skin Deep (WIP, Beauty and the Beast)
Leave your ideas for Rumplestilskin in the comments, by 8/31, and on September 1st, I'll open up voting for you, my lovely readers, to pick the best one!
So, what are you waiting for?
Thinking caps on!
May the best name, WIN!
Disclaimer that my husband made me add:
I pick the top three names to be voted on to weed out trolls and stuff because The Internet is not always a fun and friendly place. Also, I have no obligation to use any name you provide. This is for funsies and should work out great, but you know. Just in case. Carry on!
Spun Gold
First Born
Kimmy, I LOVE these! We're off to a strong start already :D.
It's is ON, people!
Golden Straw
The name game
What's in a name?
Whodunit, or
The name blame game, or
It's not Mitzylplik (Superman mythology, anyone?), or
You give villains a bad name
I loved the short "no rest for the wicked", by the way!
LOVE the entries! Thank you so much to everyone who entered :D.
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